Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Gotham Animated Episode 31 - Dreams In Darkness

The Dark Knight has been institutionalized! The Scarecrow and his new protege Torchy are running amok! Giant guns are ripping out of the ground and rats are transforming into the Joker! This episode rips reality a new one and features Batman running around in a straight-jacket. We've made light of the Batman's mental health before, but this time he may really be off his rocker!

You can download the episode HERE or listen below!

Contact the hosts on Twitter: @ChrisBComics @fight_nerdy @EvArnTheWriter

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Gotham Animated Presents: Lost in the Reels No. 1 - The Thing

Presenting a pilot episode for a new series totally different and not at all exactly like our regular podcast Gotham Animated. Those rascally Arkham escapees break down John Carpenter's 1982 horror classic The Thing and dive into it's many thematic elements such as paranoia, Lovecraftian horror, and mutually-assured destruction.

You can download the episode HERE or listen below!

Contact the hosts on Twitter: @ChrisBComics @fight_nerdy @EvArnTheWriter

Monday, February 18, 2019

Gotham Animated Episode 30 - Plastic Knights

Holy hammerin' hoversleds, Batman! It's a new episode of GOTHAM ANIMATED! Now with less co-hosts and more TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! @fight_nerdy and @EvArnTheWriter will return next time, but for now you're stuck with me, Chris B! Bwahahahaha!

You can download the episode HERE or listen below!

Oh, and you can direct your plastic projectiles and all other choking hazards toward @ChrisBComics on Twitter.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Gotham Animated Episode 29 - Mask of the Phantasm

Batman hits the big screen in this special Valentine's Day edition of Gotham Animated! Chris B, Evan A, and Abel Z break down Mask of the Phantasm and its many intricate themes. Love, death, revenge, and a big ol' bologna log intersect to create one of the finest Batman narratives in any medium.

You can download the episode HERE or listen below!

Contact the hosts: @ChrisBComics @fight_nerdy @EvArnTheWriter

Monday, February 11, 2019

Gotham Animated Episode 28 - Mad As A Hatter

After last week's somber encounter in Crime Alley, this episode shifts into full costumed nutjob mode with the debut of the Mad Hatter! Jervis Tetch stalks the lovely Alice through a Wonderland of obsession and control. Can Batman stop this sinister stalker before he has the entire city under his thumb?

You can download the episode HERE or listen below!

Contact the hosts: @ChrisBComics @fight_nerdy @EvArnTheWriter

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Gotham Animated Episode 27 - Appointment In Crime Alley

Batman has an annual appointment to keep in Gotham City's infamous Park Rowe, but fate and the ruthless Roland Daggett keep throwing obstacles in his way. We're also introduced to supporting cast member Dr. Leslie Thompkins in this episode, and her special connection to young Bruce Wayne. Throw in a mad-bomber-what-bombs-at-midnight, a cooky gunman, and a runaway trolley, and you've got one of the best and richest episodes we've discussed so far!

You can download the episode HERE, or listen below!

Contact the hosts on Twitter: @ChrisBComics @fight_nerdy @EvArnTheWriter

Monday, February 4, 2019

Gotham Animated Episode 26 - Batman Beyond: Rebirth Part One

1999 still looks like the future to me! Batman Beyond celebrates its twentieth anniversary this year and we're jumping ahead a bit in the Dini/Timm canon to examine the first episode of the series, "Rebirth Part One". Bruce deals with cardiac arrest, Gotham City suffers from flattened affect, and someone gets someone else's spit in their mouth: Welcome to the FUTURE!

You can download the episode HERE or listen below!
Twit at us: @ChrisBComics, @fight_nerdy, and @EvArnTheWriter