Friday, December 11, 2015

Harley vs. Zombies. Duh.

As I peer into my crystal ball . . .

Rumor has it DC is looking for a creative team to replace Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo on Batman. Capullo is on hiatus from the book and working with Kick-Ass creator Mark Millar on a yet-unnamed project. Snyder said at this year's New York Comic-Con that he plans to stick around, but since he's moving on to head up DC's in-house writing department (sounds like WWE's NXT initiative) the Bat-ship may be losing its current captain. Time to dust off all my old Penguin fanfic and give Dan Didio a call.

The savage Negan has been immortalized as a Resin statue from McFarlane Toys. Now I can commemorate the moment Walking Dead jumped the shark and I quit reading with a grisly trophy to put on my bookcase. Meanwhile, original series artist Tony Moore is coming back to do a variant cover for the upcoming issue #150. Neato.

As far as what's going on in a comic I'm actually reading, Ultimates #2 presents a big twist involving Galactus and kinda-sorta spoils the end of the unfinished Secret Wars series. I won't give it away here, but let's just say the denizens of the Marvel Multiverse have a very different big purple guy to deal with after this issue.

Lastly, I leave you with this Harley Quinn fan film entitled, "Harley vs. Zombies". That's sure to hold you over until Suicide Squad comes out next year. Head to for more!

That's what caught my eye today. Back issue reviews are on the way!

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