Thursday, December 29, 2016

And now for something you'll really like!

There's a new year around the corner and this one sucked. Let's shake things up a bit.

Those of you silly enough to follow me on my on-again-off-again blogging exploits may have noticed my non-comic blogs (like Work/Shoot and Age of Mega) have all but faded away. I've decided to fold them into this one blog, since it was my first and receives the most traffic . . . but not by much . . . So be on the lookout for all sorts of pop culture content.

But that's not why I called!

In 2013, my friend Evan Arnold and I hosted a podcast called The Club of Heroes. The blog is still up, but the episodes have since been devoured by a stray Chronovore. Anyhoo, I miss podcasting and hearing my own disgusting lisp, so I'm going to give it another go.

HERE is the first episode of Back Issue Diving in audio form, something I hope to make a weekly thing. It's about Watchmen, it's brief, it's informative, and I consider it a "pilot episode" for the kind of audio content I want to make.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think at the usual address, @ChrisBComics on Twitter.

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