Wednesday, August 31, 2016

New releases for the week of 8/31/16

It's that time again. Time to part with all of your disposable income at the comic book retailer of your choice. Here are some suggestions:

Monty the Dinosaur #1 (Action Lab)
Writer Bob Frantz and artist Jean Franco present the tale of the last living dinosuar and his ten year old human companion Sophie. Fun for all ages, especially the dino-lovers among you!

La Muerta: Last Rites #1 (Coffin Comics)
Chaos comics alumni Brian Pulido and artist Joel Gomez bring us the epic confrontation between the sugar skull wearing vigilante La Muerte and the murderous crime boss Mama Z. Probably not for all ages, unless you wanna raise those kids right!

Witchfinder: City of the Dead #1 (Dark Horse)
Sir Edward Grey is the occult adviser for the queen and his latest romp sees him uncovering a temple devoted to Ra beneath the streets of London. Hellboy creator Mike Mignola writes this one, so you know it'll be good and the art by Ben Stenbeck ain't too shabby either!

Suicide Squad War Crimes Special (DC Comics)
Writer John Ostrander returns to the team he helped put on the map in this one shot special with artist Gus Vasquez. The Squad is tasked with cleaning up one of America's blunders and rescue a politician who may have committed a war crime or two. Expect sparks to fly and Waller to shut somebody down hard. (Just a prediction.)

Eden's Fall #1 (Image)
Characters and concepts from three different Image series (Think Tank, The Tithe, and Postal) are combined into one tale of mystery and mayhem with the sleepy town of Eden, Wyoming as the backdrop. Brought to you courtesy of writer Matt Hawkins and artist Antonio Rojo.

Howard the Duck #10 (Marvel)
I just gotta give Chip Zdarsky and Joe Quinones's Howard the Duck some love before the powers that be pluck it away from us. This has been one of the funniest monthlies I can recall and this issue promises a showdown between Howard and the villain who's been pulling his strings since the beginning. WAUGH!

Good stuff all around. A nice mix of heavy bloodshed with Howard and Monty the T-Rex in there for a bit of levity. What looks good to you? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter @ChrisBComics. Thanks for reading!

And check out Gotham Animated, where I look at every single episode of Batman: The Animated Series one by one.

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